Thoughts organized
How to get out of your head (And where to go)
A new year is upon us, and many of us are thinking about ways to boost our happiness and well-being. We head to the gym. We eat more veggies. We vow to refrain from snapping at our kids. It's as if what happens "out there" will help with our happiness "in here." But...
How to approach emotions during the holidays (or any time)
Winter is here, and so are the holidays. For many of us, that means a lively time of connection, festivities, and fun. And for others, it is a time characterized by feelings of loneliness and isolation. Whatever the experience, emotions are a part of it - whether we...
What is mindfulness?
Mindfulness is firmly in the mainstream. It is printed on product labels, has periodicals dedicated to it, is taught from Kindergarten to yoga class, and has become a part of our vernacular. Moreover, its benefits are widely touted in areas as diverse as immune...
What to do with stress
Those long summer days are fleeting. Stories from camp, kids sleeping in, and afternoons at the pool are winding down, and my mind is now shifting to school lunches, sleep schedules, soccer practice, immunization records, fitting in the guitar lessons - and,...
4 ultimate principles for effective organizing
The Back to School ads have begun. As August approaches, many (read: I) are thinking about what we can accomplish when the kids are back in school and more predictable routines take hold once again. Of course, my natural thought is: What a great time to get organized!...
Tips to find joy in summer’s ups and downs
You can't stop the waves, but you can learn to surf. - Jon Kabat-Zinn It's summer! The kids are home! And... here comes the clamor. In our house, we like to fill the summer with meaningful experiences and a lot of fun. But, the truth is there is much time in between -...
Hope is something we can do (+ How to cultivate hope)
Couldn't we all use a potent dose of hope?In a time when Covid feels unending, politics is characterized by deceit and vitriol, climate change is on the brink of irreversible, and - the most hope-stealing for me - the unthinkable continues to happen in our schools,...
Organizing lessons from a meditation retreat
This winter, I had the privilege of attending a five-day silent meditation retreat at the Insight Meditation Society in Barre, MA. I am still unpacking its lessons.The experience of a silent retreat is difficult to describe. In attending a retreat, we essentially step...
Tips for decluttering with clarity and ease
Decluttering is something that most people want to do. So, let's approach this transformative (yet often daunting) process. Decluttering is simply the process of deciding what to keep and what to let go of. Item by item, we consciously keep what serves us and discard...
Why meditate? (+ How to get started)
Mindfulness is the capacity to be present in the moment, without judging or adding our stories to what is happening. It is about bare attention, seeing clearly, and allowing what is there - regardless of what it is. Because mindfulness increases our awareness of our...
How to give yourself the gift of grace this season (or any time)
We are in the midst of the holiday season, and - I'll be honest - the unending pandemic is putting a pall over just about everything. Despite my family being fully vaccinated, we are in the throes of extreme risk analysis with every move - and it's exhausting. And,...
A simple (and meaningful) way to give
The winter holidays are upon us. And the advertising arrived in advance, creeping in before Halloween. Even as leaves remain on trees, those of us that practice the tradition of gift-giving are likely preparing to move into full-throttle shopping in the coming...
Organizing the self
Organizing things is something we all have a notion of, but what is organizing the self?Organizing the self is the complement to organizing our external world. It is the internal work of loosening the grip of our habits and perhaps replacing them with something...
How to be effective in uncertain times
When the world feels out of control, it's useful to remember our jurisdiction. With three young kids in school (finally, yes!) while we experience the fourth spike in a devastating global pandemic (stay home forever, please), I feel the fear of vulnerability and the...
The tool of labeling and how to apply it
Who has experience being triggered into a showy storm of emotional reactivity? Let's say, stomping around, grunting while putting three boys to bed last night? (Ahem, hand raised.) Whatever the cause, we can all relate to emotions getting the best of us at times....
The path to flourishing
We've all head the word "flourish." What does flourishing actually mean and how can we apply it to our lives? Flourishing, as defined by the Merriam-Webster dictionary, is "a period of thriving" or "a luxuriant growth or profusion." When applied to human lives,...
Why compassion matters now and how to grow it
The truth of life is interconnection. - Sharon Salzberg The masks are coming off. And it's exposing a swirl of emotions, anticipation, and questions. After well over a year of masks, distance, and isolation, getting back to "normal life" feels unsettling and begs the...
What’s in a question? (+ Three to ask now)
What if a humble question mark could change your day? Much of life's dialogue is built on statements. We're all familiar with them: My day was good. I feel fine. It's time for dinner. Stepping back and pressing pause on the constant stream of declarations - given and...
Spring projects? How to get started
Well, it does feel like a beginning is upon us. Not only is spring - the season of renewal - in the air, but the pace of vaccinations is gathering momentum and there are welcome hints of normalcy. For me, spring is in my step. And, after a long and bleak winter, I am...
How to overcome procrastination with the power of choice
Here's something we have in common - procrastination. We all do it. Yes, even the most productive among us. Spoiler alert - it's not about time management, nor is it about laziness. So, then, what is procrastination about? The word procrastination is derived from the...
How to accept your day as it is
How might your day be different if you accepted everything in and about it - the good, the bad, and the ugly? (Note that I didn't write like or resign yourself to your day, I wrote accept.)For me, that means accepting - rather than internally resisting - another day...
5 ways I’m cultivating optimism in 2021
Winter is the season of natural scarcity. And it can feel that way - even in the comfort of our homes with a pandemic aside. I write this in the early morning stillness of the winter solstice, the longest night of the year. The night that - paradoxically - both...